Saturday 14 August 2010

Population Balance in Australia

Businesses in Australia have done well in recent times, with population growing and more goods and services on demand. But as Dick Smith, in his true blue Aussie entrepreneurial style, is pointing out to us, increasing population is just short term and very hazardous thinking in a world where resources are finite and weather patterns changing.

At some point, locally and globally, we will need to stop this growth and find ways to manage our economies, our businesses, our way of life without the false mantra of continuous population growth. At some point, we will need to say that enough is enough and to challenge those who think only of today and postpone the hard questions that we as a species must face.

We can change our energy systems, we can move to new and more efficient forms of transport, we can live in buildings that produce their own power, but to do all that and to add 3 billion more people to our global home is a challenge far too difficult to contemplate.

Dick Smith has set himself goals in the past and inspired many Australians. Let's hope his Population Puzzle, with its prize incentive, is an inspiration to young Australians, so that we can show the world that there are ways to live in balance with the new no population growth economy.

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