Allan Jones, CEO of the London Climate Change agency spoke in Sydney on revolutionising energy generation. He is well qualified to do this as he was the key person who enabled Woking, UK, to reduce its CO2 emissions by 77% in 14 years and to produce 80% of its own power by 2004. He did this by installing gas trigeneration systems supplemented by using fuel cells and solar PV panels. He spoke to a packed audience in Sydney about the initiatives now being undertaken in London and the vision of a more distributed energy grid.
Much can be learned by linking in to what has been already achieved - not just about the technological challenges, but also about the power of a focussed political and business vision for a region. Businesses, both small and large, can benefit themselves and the future by becoming involved and by collaboratively working on new energy systems to power greener cities, and isn't that where most of us live!
picture (just because I liked it!) called computer light 1 from Yanglong7 ex Flickr
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