Saturday, 15 November 2008

Ideas spin from ideas

It's a fast changing world, and with a "soon to be" President Obama taking the lead. With the new direction of energy self sufficiency, there will be a global "new energy" rush to provide products and services to increase supply of new energy and improve efficiency of existing energy use. So where do you fit in? What is your business idea, and how do you make it viable?

One of first places to look for clues is in conferences, where like minded people come together to share progress and to profile successes. In the next two weeks in Sydney, Australia we have the Decentralized Energy Technology, Policy and Opportunities conference and the combined ISES (International Solar Energy Society) and ANZSES conference. Its an information packed two weeks - for new energy scientists that's a feast, but for new energy entrepreneurs, it could be your key to a new business venture.

Sometimes it's about understanding the future, even more than the majority of people. Henry Ford is reputed to have said "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse". If you are considering a new venture and need inspiration, find and meet with others who are looking in the same direction. Find where you fit in this new energy future.

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