Friday, 20 March 2009

Sustainable Future

How to achieve our sustainable future ? A big question but one that needs to be asked at all levels of our society. This week I asked it of some new business owners in my Future Business workshop. We reviewed trends in areas such as population, climate, and energy - to be part of the future, business owners need to consider changes in the environment where their business operates and global environmental changes. And business owners will have an advantage if they understand the new values and expectations of their clients, suppliers, and their staff, especially in delivering more sustainable products and services. Our model for what makes a successful business is changing and developing. Rigid business structures are causing the demise of many businesses, while business owners that adapt to this new sustainable direction are positioned for the future.

And for the magic formula for success, there's no guaranteed recipe -but my tip is to look ahead, and to plan for a sustainable future.

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