Thursday, 23 April 2009

Change can happen overnight

I found this in my inbox this morning, posted on the blog Watthead which quotes Congresswoman Doris Matsui. And it shows how the world can start to turn when effective leadership is in place.

"As a member of the House of Representatives' Energy and Commerce Committee, I just wanted to take a moment out of the hearings we are holding today to discuss the comprehensive climate change bill, and give you a quick update about what is happening here in Washington.

In the last few days alone, more action has been taken on climate change than in the entire eight years of the Bush presidency. On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the findings of their scientific review, which recognized that global warming threatens both public health and public welfare, and that greenhouse gas emissions are influencing everything from crop failures to more intense heat waves that we are seeing in my hometown of Sacramento.

Yesterday, we started hearings in the Energy and Commerce Committee on the comprehensive climate legislation put forth by Chairmen Henry Waxman and Edward Markey. When passed, the American Clean Energy and Security Act will allow our children and grandchildren to live in a country that is more sustainable, more economically viable, and more efficient than the country we live in today."

We had high hopes for our Rudd Government and its claims when elected in 2008, but it seems the baton has passed to Obama, while we in Australia are still pursuing the elusive "clean coal" strategy and busy building money moving emissions reduction systems.

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