Thursday, 28 May 2009

Beautiful sea holds the power

Yesterday I attended a full day Alternative Energy forum in Sydney. One of the speakers was Dr Tim Finnigan from BioPower Systems. Tim is passionate about wave and tidal power from our coastal seas, and equally passionate about an unobstructed view across the water. His systems are designed around natural movements and are resident on the sea floor.

Tim spoke about the two 250KW pilot programs being developed off King and Flinders Islands, Tasmania, and about his vision of plants ranging from 40MW up to 100MW. Waves and tides are considerably more consistent than wind, so it's an interesting option to power coastal cities in countries where coastal conditions are favourable.

BioPower Systems is one of the companies exploring this option in Australia. Hopefully, in a not too distant future, Australia's beautiful and powerful beaches will be famous in one more way, the power generated from under the waves.

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