Mark Jacobsen of Stanford and Mark Delucchi of University of California have produced a paper which confirms what some of us have suspected, that it is possible to shift the world's energy production to 100 percent renewable by 2030. Their article is the cover story of the November Scientific American and their formula is a combination of wind, marine and solar energy. They point out that using renewables to generate power automatically provides significant efficiency because much less energy is wasted as heat such as in the combustion processes of traditional power generation.
The article addresses the "hour by hour" power demand and the need to significantly upgrade the transmission infrastructure. According to them, 100 percent renewable by 2030 is possible, it's feasible, but whether it's achievable may depend on how we support our renewable businesses and entrepreneurs, and what we say to our politicians and to our law makers.
There are competing elements in this new era, but change will happen. The question is, will it be done in time, and achieve our 100 percent renewable world by 2030?
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