We are in the era of information, and we debate about how much we are told. Certainly, everyone in the group knew about Wiki-Leaks! But not Peak Oil? The media loves sensation, what's happening day by day, and that fills the news.
So how do we focus the important stuff, like Peak Oil, and how can this topic attract attention and compete with the daily dramas?
The end of the era of low cost oil is changing our way of life. Individually and globally, we need to be aware of this massive social transformation and the impact on us all. Understanding Peak Oil is the first step in adapting, by developing new options for travel and transport, and by re -shaping our many other oil dependant areas such as food production. Important issues are on the horizon but they are not on the front page of most newspapers nor on the evening TV news.
It seems, that many of us are just like the eyes in the rock, locked into seeing only what is put in front of us - with no interest in what is the reality.
PIc by Mary /Sculptures by the Sea 2009 Sydney
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