Monday, 28 April 2008

Mining the mobiles

According to Yohohama Metal Co Ltd (Reuters News Service) an average tonne of ore from a gold mine yields about 5 gms of gold, but a tonne of mobile phones being recycled could produce as much as 150 gms.  Add in the silver, copper and tin, and the current high metal prices, then that's a potential metals recovery business.  And it keeps the hazardous phone batteries out of landfill.  So when you update your mobile phone for the next model, think about how the component metals could become part of your next phone, and find a way to turn your junk into treasure.  You may not benefit directly, but in the long term, we all win with this approach. 
See or donate it to one of the charities that collect phones, see  
Photo ex Flickr Mobile phone evolution by TrueBlueTitan

Monday, 21 April 2008

Market disrupting - and the solar Google?

Google is a smart company and it has invested in what is described as "market disrupting solar thermal power plant technology" from esolar.  Generation is based on smaller 25 MW "power modules" and takes advantage of mass manufacture.  This and other options under development have potential to  create the new economic empires of the next decade, and in the process, to bring the changes that we seek and need to meet future energy demand in sustainable ways.  So where is your money invested?  If your retirement plan is funding industries that are now in sunset mode, then enjoy the last warm rays. - the future lies in new renewable endeavours and I for one will be watching eSolar for their "market disrupting" impact.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

The new Gold

What's assets do we throw away every day?   What is the new Gold?  China has just taken steps to increase duties on fertilizer and to discourage it's export.  At the same time, it is paying significant prices to import the stuff.   So there is looming price hike and possible shortage what is needed to grow our food crops, and the world is already paying more for its food, mainly due to the increase in fuel costs of production and transport.  

So where is the opportunity in this?   In the not too distant future, we are going to need a whole new suite of fertilizer type products, and some creative ways to source these.  I can remember that in country areas, people used to sell bags of "chook poo".  Maybe there is a new opportunity for small city gardens to  collect kitchen waste?   Will we, in the future, also be putting out the scraps along with the paper and the plastics?    Our rubbish tips are full or organic matter and yet are headed for a shortage of ways to boost our food production.

pic ex Flickr Liqui Grow by Goatopolis

Saturday, 12 April 2008

The Hybrids are coming!

Have we reached Peak Oil and does it really matter?  The world has to reduce its serious  oil addiction and we have only a short space of time or  business people will all be using  push-bikes with trailers to do deliveries. Toyota has led the way and  is committed to moving its fleet to hybrids and other lower petrol use vehicles - and it seems to be working for them, sales of hybrids are increasing world wide.  This year it was announced that China will soon  produce several models of hybrid cars, and that will really boost the switch to more fuel efficient vehicles  (green car congress)

From the point of view of  your next purchase for your business vehicle, there are several good reasons to think about a hybrid.  Firstly, if the petrol price increases at (say) 30% per year, then you will have savings on your operational costs.  And if this trend accelerates, the resale value of your car in three or five years, is likely to be higher than similar sized  fuel guzzler.  Also, think of the perception of your clients as they notice your lower noise and reduced environmental impact.  And last, but not least, you will know that driving  your new hybrid car will produce less emissions than the equivalent sized petrol car.  And those already driving a Prius will add one more to this list - they have a car with style, and that makes them feel pretty good!

Pic Ex Flickr  New Prius by Kasel

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Green at Work can be FUN!

And to help your team enjoy "Going Green" the ABC has developed a cool quiz game (with some irritating sounds!) at 
See who wins the green challenge at your office.  The site also has lots of useful tips, success stories and DIY guides.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Green is the colour of the new workplace

This week's theme in the workshops was about hiring good people - how to find them, how to entice them to your workplace so that you can deliver your products and services.  And I came across this poster from a local University.  

For your business to secure the most creative, the most talented and the most enthusiastic people then you need to think about why they would work for your business.  What is it that makes you stand out from the others who may offer them more in financial terms?   What would make someone compete for your position?   I think this poster says it all!     Get your values in shape, have a "green overhaul",  and set your sights on how you can make a difference.  It's not about a "green wash", that won't keep those new people with you once they work it out.  It's about  genuine steps into a greener future, no matter how small those steps are.  Get your green action plan out to the workforce,  and you should find that hiring those skilled and talented people is just a bit easier.