Have we reached Peak Oil and does it really matter? The world has to reduce its serious oil addiction and we have only a short space of time or business people will all be using push-bikes with trailers to do deliveries. Toyota has led the way and is committed to moving its fleet to hybrids and other lower petrol use vehicles - and it seems to be working for them, sales of hybrids are increasing world wide. This year it was announced that China will soon produce several models of hybrid cars, and that will really boost the switch to more fuel efficient vehicles (green car congress)
From the point of view of your next purchase for your business vehicle, there are several good reasons to think about a hybrid. Firstly, if the petrol price increases at (say) 30% per year, then you will have savings on your operational costs. And if this trend accelerates, the resale value of your car in three or five years, is likely to be higher than similar sized fuel guzzler. Also, think of the perception of your clients as they notice your lower noise and reduced environmental impact. And last, but not least, you will know that driving your new hybrid car will produce less emissions than the equivalent sized petrol car. And those already driving a Prius will add one more to this list - they have a car with style, and that makes them feel pretty good!
Pic Ex Flickr New Prius by Kasel