Monday, 28 April 2008

Mining the mobiles

According to Yohohama Metal Co Ltd (Reuters News Service) an average tonne of ore from a gold mine yields about 5 gms of gold, but a tonne of mobile phones being recycled could produce as much as 150 gms.  Add in the silver, copper and tin, and the current high metal prices, then that's a potential metals recovery business.  And it keeps the hazardous phone batteries out of landfill.  So when you update your mobile phone for the next model, think about how the component metals could become part of your next phone, and find a way to turn your junk into treasure.  You may not benefit directly, but in the long term, we all win with this approach. 
See or donate it to one of the charities that collect phones, see  
Photo ex Flickr Mobile phone evolution by TrueBlueTitan

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