What's assets do we throw away every day? What is the new Gold? China has just taken steps to increase duties on fertilizer and to discourage it's export. At the same time, it is paying significant prices to import the stuff. So there is looming price hike and possible shortage what is needed to grow our food crops, and the world is already paying more for its food, mainly due to the increase in fuel costs of production and transport.
So where is the opportunity in this? In the not too distant future, we are going to need a whole new suite of fertilizer type products, and some creative ways to source these. I can remember that in country areas, people used to sell bags of "chook poo". Maybe there is a new opportunity for small city gardens to collect kitchen waste? Will we, in the future, also be putting out the scraps along with the paper and the plastics? Our rubbish tips are full or organic matter and yet are headed for a shortage of ways to boost our food production.
pic ex Flickr Liqui Grow by Goatopolis
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